Feeling a little lost? You must be Victorian. While the rest of the country transitions out of COVID restrictions, Victorians face the prospect of temporary halt to their lifting. ‘Continue to WFH where possible’, says the Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, ‘at least until the end of July’.

Spanner and works spring to mind for all those transitioning their teams back to the office as of the 1st of July. Upside, you get more time to get your plans into place. Downside, employees start to fray at the edges as the reality of returning to something that looks like normal anytime soon starts to fade.
Now is the time to re-group, re-energise and re-juvinate teams before despair begins to tighten its grip on even the most optimistic. Here is a list of links to supportive, fun, and hopefully motivating concepts and activities to lift spirits so we can keep calm and carry on:
- https://museumhack.com/virtual-team-building-for-remote-teams/
- https://www.hr.pitt.edu/news/covid-19-pandemic-supervisor-tips-tools-motivating-remote-staff-stay-engaged-and-productive
- https://engage-education.com/blog/covid-19-7-ways-to-keep-employees-motivated-while-they-work-from-home/#!
- https://teambuilding.com/blog/virtual-team-building-activities?utm_term=remote%20team%20building&network=g&device=c&adposition=&source_id=278608&gclid=Cj0KCQjwirz3BRD_ARIsAImf7LO6WtT5eY9Ca-UE5Ax9zN9Gyj9ojSoNHUsr0Yk2vXNyu_wFihObPUcaApzbEALw_wcB
- https://pluralsight-assets.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/PDF/RemoteWorkGuidePDF.pdf
The Projects Waleed Aly nailed it; while our heads have moved to post COVID, on the health front, we remain in the midst of a global pandemic. Victoria’s uptick spells out just how important it is to get the balance right and not drop our guard.

Stay home. Stay safe. Stay motivated. Stay the course.
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