RR’s monthly wrap-up report on what’s happening in the world of RR, our clients, our candidates and the recruitment market
Candidate Engagement – How to catch a unicorn
This pandemic has thrown us all many curve balls. Who knew that house prices would go berserk. Although they may now be leveling out in our major cities, regional areas have experienced a surge in demand which has pushed house prices upwards, in some areas, 30+% as sea and tree changers head out of the major centres.
Why? Because many of us can now work from anywhere.
With the dearth of itinerate staff, the exodus of international students and those on Working Holiday Visas, we have all seen the impact on so many sectors that have typically relied very heavily on this temporary workforce, from hospitality and retail, to supply chain and aged care. No sector has been immune.
Employment agencies trying to maintain a temporary workforce to meet surge demands, have struggled to find skilled staff, let alone maintain any sort of consistency of available temporary professionals, as that very same temporary workforce has been swiftly taken up into the permanent job market.
Just as swiftly, the demand for permanent employees has continued to build, faltering after the initial shock in early 2020, but that is now long forgotten. With the national unemployment rate falling again to 4.0% (February 2022), there is no sign of this trend abating.
Demand for talent, combined with the impact of the so-called great resignation, a shift in the power balance from employer to employee has set the scene for a tight candidate market. There is a war for talent, and it has been raging for some time.

Competition for talent is on, so in order to compete here are some tips to get yourself match fit:
Make sure your product is something that potential employees want. If your brand is on the nose, you will be way down their priority list. Getting your own house in order is critical. This means taking a long hard look at what your organisation can offer: values, culture, reputation, flexible working models, career progression, career development, well-being support, provision of trade tools are just some of the things a discerning unicorn will be comparing when hunting for the right organisation to join. Remember candidates are in the driver’s seat.
Here are 4 critical tips that will help you to snare that unicorn:
- Getting your ducks lined up when it comes to recruitment is critical. It needs to be a slick, seamless, professional and speedy process. Do not lose talent at the first hurdle by being too slow. You need to swoop when you see a unicorn as other nimbler organisations will be hot on your heels as they too, recognise talent when they see it. Key tip: do not dilly dally. If you spot a great candidate, POUNCE! Engage with them immediately.
- Seize the opportunity to arrange an interview, make room in your diary, talent will not necessarily wait for a convenient spot in your diary. You need to act fast.
- PLEASE do not, conclude an interview with a candidate who is clearly ideal for your role with; “Thanks for your time, we have a few other candidates whom we are considering, we will get back to you” …unless you want to lose them of course. If they are good, act swiftly and assure them that they are your number one priority. You need to focus their attention on you at the expense of any other opportunities that they may be considering. Ask them who your competition is and have those conversations in the moment. Secure them for what ever your next step is and tell them that you are considering their application seriously. DO NOT LET THEM GO.
- An offer, pending checks (references, probity, skills etc), can be made. This turn-around should happen in a matter of days not weeks.
If you want to catch a unicorn you need to be match fit. So, kit up and be ready, this trend is not going away anytime soon.

Current Jobs:
- Sales Support Administrator
- HR Graduate
- Paralegal
- Security and Compliance Analyst
- Manufacturing Technologist
- HR Business Partner
- Content and E-learning Specialist
- Talent Acquisition Specialist
- Member Engagement Coordinator
- Associate Business Partner
- Commercial Manager
- Steam Plant Manager
- Temp EA/Project Assistant