Overwhelmed? Information overload? Change Fatigue?
Little wonder as we adjust to change after change after change. This week saw collaboration, between union organisations and the government to arrive at a solution that will set into place changes to the modern awards that would ordinarily, and I quote the Attorney-General, Christian Porter here, take 30 years to implement. See here
The pace and enormity of change to every part of our lives is unprecedented no doubt. So how are we all coping?
It seems that many or us are now beginning to find our rhythm, WFH and connecting with colleagues, friends and our broader families, virtually. Never-the-less, I was keen to speak with people to see how they were settling into their new way forward as we isolate by staying at home. The most common thread running through all of the experiences shared was the need to ‘normalise’ our world as much as we can. That, of course included maintaining some sort of exercise routine together with setting some boundaries between a newly set up work space and home. This is not just a practical physical separation but setting boundaries around the number of hours spent in front of a computer ‘working’. Many have found themselves slipping into a habit of just checking emails while waiting for the kettle to boil at 7am. This makes for a very long day ‘working’ by the time you make it to 5pm. Many have learnt the wisdom of being disciplined with a work routine and setting some boundaries about when you are ‘at work’ and when you have clocked off. Distractions of course reign supreme especially for those with school aged kids most of whom are at home on holidays

But we all seem to be getting there, don’t we?
The need to look after ourselves does not diminish, despite operating from the comfort of our own homes. Ever heard of Zoom Fatigue? It’s a thing!! See here
RR hosted the second of our Quarantini Friday sessions, (4-6pm) for a total of about 15 people all up. Everyone brought their own Quarantini specials along with their stories of the week to share as a collective sigh of relief was exhaled as we realised that we had all landed in the same place: a little overwhelmed with information overload, trying to find ways to ‘normalise’ and keep calm and carrying on.

There were some great solutions shared including some of the following which may suit the 4-day Easter weekend for some of you:
- The Age Newspapers daily 5 of the best series https://www.theage.com.au/
- Covid Room, The Social Distancing Festival – Live streams https://www.socialdistancingfestival.com/live-streams/musicperformance-covid-room-10-video-conference-music-event-5pm-gmt1-sjy56
- The Fitness Marshall – Dance https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFitnessMarshall
- Renegade TikTok Dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MvjnpK3Jrw
- Virtual museum and gallery tours https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/travel/a31784720/best-virtual-tours/
- View from my window https://www.facebook.com/groups/viewfrommywindow/
- The Australian Ballet digital season https://australianballet.com.au/the-ballets/digital-season?utm_source=FB&utm_medium=SOC&utm_campaign=20DS&utm_content=ORG&utm_term=FB-post&sourcenumber
- National Theatre London live streaming https://www.vulture.com/2020/04/national-theatre-at-home-youtube.html
- Netflix Tiger King has to be seen to be believed https://www.netflix.com/au/title/81115994
- Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles: https://www.google.com/search?q=virtual+jigsaw+puzzles&rlz=1C1NHXL_enAU823AU823&oq=Virtual+jigsaw+puzzles&aqs=chrome.0.0l2.8283j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
And finally, liven up your Zoom meeting with this: https://www.zoomvirtualbackgrounds.com/
Our week started with just a little cheer that hopefully brightened our temporary workforces’ week for a few minutes at least when we distributed (via Australia Post) a much-coveted bog roll and some Easter eggs to our working temp professionals.

Have a great week, a safe and happy Easter weekend, stay at home and keep on keeping on
Free Stuff
This link offers some free resources to help you make sure your people and your organisation are compliant: https://www.rusherrogers.com.au/coronavirus-and-safety-when-home-is-the-workplace/
The items available for download are:
- Risk Management Guide
- COVID-19 Office WHS Questionnaire
- Working at Home Policy and Procedure
- Work from Home Request Form
- Work from Home WHS Evaluation Form
Please note that by providing these free online resources Rusher Rogers takes no responsibility whatsoever for the efficacy of your polices, risk, OH&S, communication or any other outcomes as a result of using all or part of the online resources made available by Rusher Rogers
Need Practical Solutions?
A Temporary Workforce
Minimising risk will be top of mind and a temporary workforce solution is a great way to meet an immediate need while minimising long term financial commitment through an extremely volatile and uncertain period. Top of mind for many will be skilled resources in the health sector but also skilled resources in the area of HR, ER and OHS especially for those organisations without the dedicated in-house HR expertise who are trying to navigate their way through a rapidly changing work place environment. RR can assist with this as we have a stable of temp ready, many Work-From-Home ready professionals in this space
Virtual Temporary Professionals
All of a sudden, we are all working remotely. Thank God for cloud-based technology! But don’t forget, RR have a virtual workforce of solid all-round Temp Professionals, all of whom can support your business virtually. Our professional temps are equipped, trained and able to work from home to ensure that you have the coverage you need without putting anyone at risk
14-day self-Isolation and no cover?
If you have any staff returning from overseas, they are obliged to self-isolate for 14 days. We have the temp professionals to cover this gap. Carefully following all recommended hygiene protocols our temp professionals will seamlessly fill that unforeseen need
Work from Home ready?
As the business world prepares their remote workforce, this may change the way we work irreversibly. All of a sudden what was a privilege, something earned, the right and trust to work from home, will become the norm for most of us during the next couple of weeks. Who knew??
We can help you coordinate getting your employees up to speed quickly with easy access online OHS assessment to ensure that your people are completely compliant and prepared to work remotely.
Unbundled services and tailored solutions
We can provide specific recruitment support services on an as needed basis. For example, everything from initial candidate screening to reference and compliance checking at the other end.
Talent Pool Search & Development/Work Resource Planning
Now is an ideal time to consider the talent that that you will need moving forward once this crisis is over. Talent pools take time to build. This time can be well spent beginning the process of developing trusted relationships with your employees of the future. RR conduct talent/resource capability audits, target, search and build talent pools to fill in-demand roles for when you are ready to employ again and that time will come!
Outsource your onboarding process in order that you have consistency of process as well as your brand as you welcome and on-board new employees. RR can manage everything from contract generation to induction process, manage vital initial communication between employee and organisation and even the performance review process. We can tailor your onboarding process to fit your requirement
Outplacement support
We can provide comprehensive, supportive and tailor-made outplacement support as some organisations adjust their workforce.
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