Just what have we actually learnt from working in isolation? More broadly, living differently, as those things that we all took for granted were temporarily suspended. By the end of June, it will be almost 15 weeks for some.

Many are spruiking that life before COVID was too fast. No time to consider, to contemplate, to stop and smell the roses. COVID has delivered much change, but for many of us it has also delivered time to pause for thought, for others, time to re-calibrate. As Paul Jankowski Founder & CEO of the Heartland Group and Forbes contributor so eloquently put “….As we get back to normal routines, let’s not squander this amazing gift of a life re-set that we’ve been given and remember to be a better [] co-worker, friend, spouse, parent…” see here

There is no doubt that change can be frightening. Reflecting back to mid-March, alarm seemed to be the overwhelming response as we were guided by our various leaders on how to navigate our new COVID world, as the impact of a global pandemic began to sink in. But we’re over that, now aren’t we? We’ve re-adjusted, re-set, adapted and settled into a new restricted way of living. But now that we are beginning to entertain the prospect of returning to ‘normal’, whatever that may be, I for one, am reflecting on what I have learned and indeed, appreciated during this time of isolation.
It has been the little things for me and I suspect that my list may not be too different to many:
- An appreciation of friends and family
- A love of the technology that allowed us to connect
- Home cooked food, as isolation collided with MasterChef
- Netflix
- The joyful ease of working from home
- Supermarkets … while for some were problematic, for me they were an outing
- Mastering operating the coffee machine
- The restorative power of exercise and being outside as much as possible
- Community (work & home)
- Understanding that we all respond to a crisis differently, and respecting those who surprize you
- An irrational hatred of the word ‘unprecedented’ and ‘pivot’
- Recognition that I may, in fact, be an introvert at heart
Like so many I did not miss public transport, the daily commute and meetings for meeting sake.
Lets please make the most of this opportunity to rethink how, when and where we spend our time. Let’s re-set as we reconnect. Let’s take some of the better things that we have learnt over the past 15 weeks into what may certainly be a different but perhaps even better post COVID world.
Current Jobs:
- Employee Relations Manager
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