We at Rusher Rogers are all about finding solutions, thinking outside the square and ultimately keeping people employed. I have re-written this post 3 times since Friday, such is the pace of change. Post after post after post offer helpful links to assist all in a time of global crisis as we all grapple with what is unfolding at an alarming rate.

We want to stop and look at some solutions. What are some of the positives that have bubbled to the surface this past week as we talked to our broad range of clients and candidates?
Sure, everyone is nervous, scared and trying to cope with this rapid pace of change but we are all in this together and if we support one another, work together, we’ve got this!
This is a time to adapt and change up the way we do just about everything. As a small recruitment business, we are no different to every other business trying to sure up incoming revenue and protect the jobs of our perm and temp employees. Shocking as this turn of events are, I for one, do not want to be that deer staring into headlights, clueless as to what to do next. I am certain neither do you. This is a time for thinking outside the square and here are a few observations and ideas to begin with:
For some, there is an upside
As the economy takes a downward turn, growth may well be seen in areas like insolvency in worst case scenarios, some say ER law, specialists in these areas may thrive in such a climate. Supermarkets…OMG supermarkets for all the wrong reasons, but they are hiring shelf stackers now! Health of course, online and cloud-based technology that enables people to connect from small community support Apps like Nextdoor, to communication enablers like Zoom & Slack, to CXone for contact centres (WFH options for Call centre staff) etal, community services, aged care support workers, and HR/OHS expertise, mental health practitioners, those who support the vulnerable. Manufacturers and distributers of as disparate a product as toilet paper rolls to medical masks and ventilators. Both Federal and state-based governments are steadily rolling out stimulus packages to support every sector however possible, to enable organisations to trade through this challenging period.
What are other organisations doing?
We have had some great conversations with many of our clients as to how they are adjusting their workforce to adapt to this brave new world. Rolling out a robust Work-From-Home policy has been top of mind this past week, but of course that doesn’t work for every role or for every organisation. There’s plenty of innovation; one medium sized organisation was planning to have their 500 employees on rotation. Only ever having 50% of the staff in the office at the one time allowing them to meet the social distancing recommendations without putting anyone at risk. Brilliant!
We, like most in our sector are working remotely and have been conducting all meetings (interviews, meetings and the like via ZOOM). We have lost the daily commute (yay), and gained so much time, but the danger of working at home is making sure that you step away from your desk. Define your work space and your work time. Go for a walk and get some fresh air. There are different distractions at home too…the temptation to put another load of washing on or make an early start on the dinner. Discipline is key as is the need to stay connected virtually to your team. One organisation arranged a picnic whereby the team met in a park, each with their own picnic rug, and lunch, all safely observing the required social distancing recommendations, but ensuring that the team morale, connection and support for one another is maintained. Love it! Thinking outside of the square.
Move away from in-house to outsource solutions
Any overhead that can be outsourced, will be. Organisations will choose to revert to external providers to meet those needs on an as needs basis, rather than carry that overhead. Events have heralded a time of review, looking closely at what areas are essential for a sustainable operation and what areas may be redundant in a downturned market. One area featuring in our conversations has been that of the internal recruitment/talent acquisition area being a potential casualty of that rationalisation. Recruitment may not be top of mind for many sectors, health, community services and charitable organisations may be the exception to this rule, as we all bunker down.
Support local business – Boutique agencies unite
Boutique recruitment agencies will need to collaborate and support one another. Establishing a strong working network to provide quality recruitment solutions to organisations as this could be a great way to provide some genuine competition to the international recruitment giants that dominate the recruitment market sending profits overseas. Now is the time to support your own. If you support us, we in turn will support you.
Sharing our knowledge
There is a lot to be said for sharing. Sharing our stories, solutions and fears. Supporting one another is key to ensure that we all remain strong and can withstand what will be thrown at us in the coming weeks/months. The RR community (clients/candidates/partners) is bound together by this ethos so sharing your experiences is critical to help support one another, find solutions and survive.
Need Practical Solutions?
A Temporary Workforce
Minimising risk will be top of mind and a temporary workforce solution is a great way to meet an immediate need while minimising long term financial commitment through an extremely volatile and uncertain period. Top of mind for many will be skilled resources in the health sector but also skilled resources in the area of HR, ER and OHS especially for those organisations without the dedicated in-house HR expertise who are trying to navigate their way through a rapidly changing work place environment. RR can assist with this as we have a stable of temp ready, many Work-From-Home ready professionals in this space
Virtual support
All of a sudden, we are all working remotely. Thank God for cloud-based technology! But don’t forget, RR have a virtual workforce of solid all-round Temp Professionals, all of whom can support your business virtually. Our professional temps are equipped, trained and able to work from home to ensure that you have the coverage you need without putting anyone at risk
14-day self-Isolation and no cover?
If you have any staff returning from overseas, they are obliged to self-isolate for 14 days. We have the temp professionals to cover this gap. Carefully following all recommended hygiene protocols our temp professionals will seamlessly fill that unforeseen need
Work from Home ready?
As the business world prepares their remote workforce, this may change the way we work irreversibly. All of a sudden what was a privilege, something earned, the right and trust to work from home, will become the norm for most of us during the next couple of weeks. Who knew??
We can help you coordinate getting your employees up to speed quickly with easy access online OHS assessment to ensure that your people are completely compliant and prepared to work remotely.
Unbundled services and tailored solutions
We can provide specific recruitment support services on an as needed basis. For example everything from initial candidate screening to reference and compliance checking at the other end.
Outplacement support
We can provide comprehensive, supportive and tailor-made outplacement support as some organisations adjust their workforce.
In the meantime: stay safe, stay calm, stay healthy, stay informed and let’s support one another.
Current roles
- HR Coordinator
- Service Manager
- Tele-Audiologist
- General Registration
- Accounts Officer
- Employee Relations Manager
- Receptionist
- Service Lead
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